The Keestrack difference

What sets us apart

Our standards are uncompromising. Anything less than exceptional doesn’t make the grade.

We manufacture almost every part of every machine so we can oversee the quality of each component. We use high-grade steel that is lighter yet stronger than the lower grade metal used in standard machines. We know precisely where our machines need to be strong, and where we can save weight and in turn reduce transportation costs and the need for permits. We use advanced powdered-coated finishes so our machines look good for longer, increasing their resale value.

We have a proven track record of innovation, starting with the introduction of the first tracked direct feed scalper twenty years ago. We still question every detail, continually bringing new ideas to market that reflect the changing nature of our industry.

At the heart of all this are our customers. We know they need exceptional power and performance, combined with design features that make servicing and repairs simple for operators. That’s why we provide easy access for maintenance and modular control boxes for easy replacement. We design our products so operators can make adjustments to a machine while it is in operation, and use hybrid solutions that combine the best of different technologies.

The result is a range of machines that are technically complex yet reassuringly easy to use and maintain, ensuring they provide many years of extraordinary, trouble-free performance in even the most challenging situations.

No other manufacturer goes further to empower owners and operators with everything they need to succeed.

Key benefits